Independent Assessment and Verification Services (PHL and VLHH)
As a Conformity Assessment Body, PT Intishar Sadira Eshan plays a role in verifying wood and wood products throughout the supply chain originating from sustainably managed forests and traded in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. This ensures the independence of PT Intishar Sadira Eshan in issuing V-Legal licenses can be accounted for and provides assurance of forest sustainability in terms of production, ecology, and social aspects.
V-LEGAL Document Issuance Services
The V-Legal and FLEGT License (for the European Union) documents are used as requirements for the submission of Goods Export Declaration by exporters of wood products in accordance with legal regulations. These documents are issued every time an exporter is about to engage in the export process.
Tourism Business Certification Services
The process of granting certification to tourism industry stakeholders, service provision, and the management of tourism businesses through audits.
Certification Services ISPO (Indonesia Sustainable Palm Oil System)
In the KAN accreditation process,
The ISPO (Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil) certification is applied on a mandatory basis to oil palm plantations that are related to ensuring the governance of oil palm cultivation and/or processing industries, as well as smallholders, complies with the ISPO principles and criteria standards, providing assurance of sustainable practices.
The ISPO (Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil) certification is applied on a mandatory basis to oil palm plantations that are related to ensuring the governance of oil palm cultivation and/or processing industries, as well as smallholders, complies with the ISPO principles and criteria standards, providing assurance of sustainable practices.
Certification Services SFM IFCC PEFC
(We are currently in the process of preparing for KAN accreditation.)
Sustainable Forest Management Certification is a certification for sustainable forest management based on IFCC (Indonesian Forestry Certification Cooperation) standards, both within nationally designated forest areas and outside of them. This certification applies at the Management Unit level, including owners, managers, as well as contractors and other operators operating within the certified area. The forest products covered include both timber and non-timber forest products, as well as environmental services.
Sustainable Forest Management Certification is a certification for sustainable forest management based on IFCC (Indonesian Forestry Certification Cooperation) standards, both within nationally designated forest areas and outside of them. This certification applies at the Management Unit level, including owners, managers, as well as contractors and other operators operating within the certified area. The forest products covered include both timber and non-timber forest products, as well as environmental services.
Certification Services CoC PEFC
PEFC CoC (Chain of Custody) certification is a certification related to supply chains through a tracking mechanism that provides an assurance of verified independence that the raw materials based on certified forests contained in a product originate from sustainably managed forests.
Our Services
"We will realize your trust with team integrity"
About Us
PT ISE adalah Lembaga Penilai Kesesuaian Independen yang telah mendapatkan akreditasi sebagai :
- Lembaga Penilai dan Verifikasi Independen (LPVI-022-IDN) yang didalamnya melingkupi Sertifikasi Verifikasi Legalitas Hasil Hutan (VLHH) dan Sertifikasi Pengelolaan Hutan Lestari, terakreditasi pada tanggal 24 Maret 2023
- Lembaga Sertifikasi Produk, Proses dan Jasa berbasis ISO 17065 ; 2012 yang didalamnya melingkupi sertifikasi Usaha Pariwisata dan Sertifikasi Lacak Balak CoC PEFC dengan no akreditasi LSPr-124-IDN, terakreditasi pada tanggal 19 Desember 2022
- Lembaga Sertifikasi Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (LS-ISPO), dengan no akreditasi LS ISPO-023-IDN, terakreditasi pada tanggal 31 Agustus 2023
- Lembaga Sertifikasi Sustainable Forest Management Indonesian Forest Certification Cooperation (LS SFM IFCC) dengan no akreditasi LS SM-096-IDN, terakreditasi pada tanggal 30 September 2023.
Application Request for Our Services, click this button.
PT INTISHAR SADIRA ESHAN is an independent conformity assessment institution that offers Independent Assessment and Verification Services (PHL and VLHH), V-LEGAL Document Issuance Services, and Product, Process, and Service Certification Body services (in Tourism and COC PEFC).