In the rules of the National Accreditation Committee (KAN), it is stipulated that Accredited Conformity Assessment Bodies (LPK) or Accredited Certification Bodies must undergo witnessing. (witness) within a five-year accreditation cycle, in addition to witnessing during the initial accreditation. Within one accreditation cycle, KAN assesses witnessing activities related to conformity assessment/audit conducted by Conformity Assessment Bodies (LPK) and the personnel conducting conformity assessment activities. Witnessing assessments are carried out at the location where conformity assessment activities are conducted. The frequency of witnessing depends on the number of clients registered with the Certification Body in question. The regulations regarding witnessing are specified in KAN U-01 concerning the Requirements and Rules for Accreditation of Conformity Assessment Bodies.

PT ISE, as an Independent Verification and Assessment Body (LPVI) for Legal Verification and Sustainability of Downstream Timber Legality, is also subject to these provisions. Witnessing is conducted to assess the performance of the audit team. Assessment by KAN assessors covers all stages of the audit, from planning and implementation to reporting. KAN assessors closely examine the content of the audit plan and its implementation. The execution opening meeting, closing meeting, The techniques for collecting information and audit evidence by the audit team are closely scrutinized by the KAN assessors. They also assess the extent of the audit team's understanding of audit criteria and their ability to analyze audit evidence to determine compliance or non-compliance findings. The behavior and conduct of auditors in upholding the code of ethics are also a point of focus. In summary, no action, statement, or writing goes unnoticed in their observations.
The recent witnessing by KAN was conducted during an audit carried out by PT ISE at a furniture industry in Bogor Regency, precisely for three days from Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, August 30th to September 1st, 2023. The PT ISE audit team was composed of Dani Suhardani S.Hut and Ajang Munajat A.Md. These two senior auditors have accumulated extensive experience over the years. Meanwhile, the KAN assessors were Zul Amri and Teguh, both of whom are also senior assessors at KAN.
This witnessing is, of course, part of KAN's oversight as an Accreditation Body over Conformity Assessment Bodies to ensure that the audit implementation complies with KAN's rules and the applicable standards, namely SNI ISO/IEC 17065:2012, SNI ISO/IEC 19011:2018, Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. 8 of 2021, and Minister of Environment and Forestry Decree No.: SK.9895/MenLHK-PHL/BPPHH/HPL.3/12/2022. This is an effort to maintain full compliance with the principles of certification and audit, namely impartiality, integrity, transparent reporting, fair, professionalism, confidentiality, independence, evidence-based approach, and risk-based approach. Thus, it is expected that the credibility of the certificates issued by ISE Certification is continuously maintained.
In closing the audit, Muhamad Zakir, representing the management of PT ISE, expressed gratitude to the auditee for allowing the witnessing to take place at their location. Thanks were also extended to the KAN assessors for their input provided to the audit team for. improvement further.
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