PT Intishar Sadira Eshan (PT ISE) (08/09/2023) |
In the process of accreditation as a certification body for the sustainable forest management scheme/ Sustainable Forest Management – Indonesian Forestry Certification Cooperation (SFM-IFCC),PT ISE conducted the initial certification activities for SFM-IFCC within the scope of community forest management (Community Forest/CF)at the Taman Wijaya Rasa Multipurpose Cooperative (KSU KOSTAJASA) located in Karangjati, Jatiluhur, Karanganyar District, Kebumen, Central Java, from Tuesday to Friday (September 5-7, 2023). This activity was witnessed by KAN assessors.

KSU Kostajasa manages a community forest covering an area of approximately 389,602 hectares, located in several villages in Kebumen Regency. The types of wood produced include Teak, Mahogany, Sengon, Acacia, Gemelina, Ganitri, and Coconut Sugar Palm Plantation (HHBK Gula Kelapa). KSU Kostajasa has 22 forest farmer group (KTH) members, with 5 KTHs selected for assessment, namely: KTH Karya Sari in Sikayu Village, Buayan Subdistrict; KTH Tugu Makmur in Tugu Village, Buayan Subdistrict; KTH Tani Makmur in Wonoharjo Village, Rowokele Subdistrict; KTH Sumber Rezeky 2 in Peniron Village, Pejagoan Subdistrict; and KTH Lestari Jaya in Logandu Village, Karanganyar Subdistrict
In the opening meeting session of the audit, the Lead Auditor SFM-IFCC conveyed that one of the objectives of conducting the stage 2 audit is to ensure the performance of community forest management unit. (Community Forest/CF) KSU KOSTAJASA meets the requirements of the SFM-IFCC standard ST 1001:2021.

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The Opening Meeting and Close Meeting Witness Audit of the Initial SFM-IFCC Certification, held at the KSU Kostajasa office, were attended by the SFM PT ISE Audit Team, PT ISE Management Representatives, KAN Assessor, and KSU Kostajasa Management Leaders along with their employees.
Present at the audit process were the Head of the National Standardization Agency (BSN) and Chairman of the National Accreditation Committee (KAN), Mr. Kukuh S. Achmad, serving as an Observer in the SFM-IFCC certification audit process. The assessors from KAN assigned to conduct the witness audit were Mr. Djoko Supomo and Mr. Adi Husada.

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The audit evidence collection activities involved verification of documents, interviews, and subsequent field inspections.

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A meeting with KTH Sumber Rezeky 2 was held for coordination before conducting inspections at the members' gardens.

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The Production auditor and the trainee auditor are conducting a traceability audit of the harvested wood up to the stump, located in the Lestari Jaya Forest Garden, Logandu Village, Karanganyar District, Kebumen Regency, under the observation of Mr. Kukuh from KAN.

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KSU Kostajasa's Manager, represented by Mr. Untung Karnanto, is explaining the community forest management to Mr. Kukuh and his staff, located in the Sumber Rezeky 2 Forest Garden, Peniron Village, Pejagoan District, Kebumen Regency.
Meanwhile, PT ISE Director, Mrs. Meiliana Lakani, during her field visit, expressed appreciation to KSU KOSTAJASA for developing a good community forest management to achieve sustainable community forest management goals. She hopes that KSU KOSTAJASA can serve as a model for other community forest management units. Mrs. Meiliana also expressed her gratitude for the cooperative synergy and successful implementation of the witness audit.

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The Lead Auditor (in the field of Ecology) is conducting an inspection of the land management practices related to local soil conservation, located in the KTH Sumber Rezeky 2 plantation, in the Peniron Village, Pejagoan Sub-District, Kebumen Regency. This inspection is observed by Mr. Kukuh from KAN, KAN Assessor, and PT ISE Director as an Observer.
Editor: Rochim
Copyright Kostajasa © September 2023