On Wednesday, August 30, 2023, PT Intishar Sadira Eshan (PT ISE) was invited by the Tourism Office of Bogor City to attend an event on the Socialization of Tourism Industry Business Licenses as part of the development and supervision of tourism businesses. The event was held at the Auditorium of the Bogor City Library in West Java. The event was attended by various tourism industry stakeholders, including hotels, cafes, catering services, and members of the Indonesian Women Entrepreneurs Association (IWAPI). The event featured speakers from the Bogor City Environmental Agency and the Investment and Integrated One-Stop Service Agency (DPMPTSP) of Bogor City. The Socialization of Tourism Industry Business Licenses event was opened by Mrs. Iceu Pujiati, the Head of the Tourism Office of Bogor City, with Mrs. Susan serving as the event's moderator.

PT ISE, represented by Rochana and Lia, as the Tourism Business Certification Body, had the opportunity to be speakers to present various information related to certification activities. This included the benefits of certification, certification requirements, and the experiences of some of PT ISE's certified clients. These clients include PT Wisata Titiannusantara Pelangi in the scope of Travel Agencies, PT Planet Properindo Jaya in the scope of Hotels, and CV Wannami, a Catering business. Through certification awareness, it is hoped that tourism industry stakeholders can enhance the quality of tourism services, the competitiveness of the tourism industry, and the productivity of tourism businesses. This can be achieved through the development of standardized and certified tourism businesses.
The Investment and Integrated One-Stop Service Agency (DPMPTSP) provided an explanation about Risk-Based Business Licensing in the Tourism Sector. The requirements for Risk-Based Business Licensing in Tourism refer to the KBLI (Indonesian Standard Classification of Businesses) chosen by the applicant, taking into account the risk level analysis by the KBLI system. The licensing process can be initiated through the oss.go.id website.

The Environmental Agency of Bogor City provided socialization regarding Environmental Approval Related to Licensing in the Tourism Industry Sector. Currently, the licensing process has been simplified with coordinated, transparent, and accountable supervision, under the scope of the Business Licensing Revolution, which includes Business Establishment, Commencing Business, and Business Implementation. The basic requirements include Compliance with Land Use Activities, Environmental Approval, and Building Approval with a Certificate of Compliance.