Pengumuman Sertifikasi SFM
Kewajiban Pemohon Sertifikasi
- Appoint one or more managers representative who can be contacted at any time and are accommodating to the auditor's presence in the certification process;
- Inform the certification body, without delay, of any changes that may affect its ability to comply with certification requirements;
- Willing to;
- Conduct audits, including provisions to examine documentation and records and access to relevant client equipment, site areas, personnel, and subcontractors;
- Additional audits or special audits are conducted if necessary.
- Make statements related to certification in accordance with the scope of certification;
- Resolve complaints or appeals arising from applicant The translation of the sentence "maka biaya penyelesaian keluhan atau banding tersebut akan ditanggung oleh" into English is "then the cost of resolving the complaint or appeal will be borne by. applicant;
- Dalam hal terjadi pembekuan, pencabutan, atau penghentian sertifikasi, applicant wajib menghentikan penggunaan seluruh iklan yang berisi referensi apapun yang terkait SERTIFIKAT yang telah dterbitkan oleh PT ISE dan mengijinkan PT ISE mengambil langkah-langkah sesuai dengan yang dipersyaratkan dalam skema sertifikasi ;
- During the validity period of the CERTIFICATE, it must adhere to and comply with the established rules and provisions, and if any actions are taken against the law, the CERTIFICATE will be suspended, revoked, or have its scope reduced
- If providing copies of the certification documents to third parties, the documents must be reproduced in their entirety as stipulated in the certification scheme
- Report any changes that affect the management system implemented by the applicant to PT ISE, related to;
- Legalities and ownership
- Organization and management
- Scope of operation of the management system
Allowing the presence of observers during audit activities;
The client always complies with the certification standard requirements, including implementing appropriate changes when communicated by PT ISE;
Pay the full costs of the work as stipulated in Article 4 of this Agreement in accordance with its stages without being influenced by the final assessment results ;
Applicant's Rights
- Refuse or object to the Auditor assigned by PT ISE In writing, along with the reasons for refusal, and submitted at the beginning of the field verification and assessment.
- Accepting the results of the work (Audit report) and the agreed-upon provisions
- Submitting an appeal against the certification decision no later than 30 (thirty) calendar days after the issuance of the Certification Decision in accordance with applicable regulations
- The right to use the PEFC-IFCC trademark after signing the PEFC trademark usage agreement contract