Sertifikasi ISPO
(Indonesia Sustainable Palm Oil System)
ISPO Certification Announcement
Applicant's Obligations
- To submit a letter of request and fill out the application form to be delivered to PT. ISE management.
- Inform if there is a change in scope, such as changes in area or capacity addition.
- Always meet certification requirements, including implementing appropriate changes when those changes have been communicated by PT. ISE.
- Inform the certification body, without delay, of any changes that may affect its ability to comply with certification requirements
- Willing to;

- Conducting evaluations and assessments, including provisions for reviewing documentation and records and access to relevant client equipment, site locations, personnel, and subcontractors.
- Additional audits or special audits are conducted in case of complaints.
- Not using their product certification in a manner that tarnishes the reputation of the certification body and not making statements related to their product certification that are deemed by the certification body as misleading or unauthorized
- Allowing the presence of observers during audit activities.
Applicant's Rights
- Obtaining the results of the Application and Review
- Rejecting or objecting to the Auditor appointed by the FIRST PARTY in writing, along with the reasons for the rejection, and communicating this at the beginning of the field verification and assessment
- Accepting the results of the work if they meet the requirements and terms agreed upon as stipulated in the Work Agreement (Contract).
- Submit objections to the field verification results no later than 14 (empat belas) hari kalender setelah dikeluarkannya Keputusan Sertifikasi sesuai peraturan yang berlaku.
- Berhak untuk dapat menggunakan Logo Lembaga Sertifikasi ISPO PT ISE pada semua hasil produksi dan kemasan yang memenuhi standar penilaian Lembaga Sertifikasi ISPO PT ISE yang dibuktikan dengan diterbitkannya SERTIFIKAT.