Applicant's Obligations

  • Submit a request letter and fill out the application form to be submitted to the management of PT ISE.
  • Inform if there is a change in scope.
  • Always meet the certification requirements, including implementing appropriate changes communicated by PT ISE when necessary.
  • Inform the certification body, without delay, of any changes that could affect its ability to comply with the certification requirements.
  • Willing to:
    • Evaluation and surveillance are conducted, including provisions to examine documentation and records and access to equipment, geographical locations, personnel, and relevant client subcontractors.
    • Additional audits or special audits are conducted in case of complaints.
    • Do not use their product certification in such a way that it damages the reputation of the certification body and do not make statements regarding their product certification that are deemed misleading or invalid by the certification body.
    • Allowing the presence of observers during audit activities.

Applicant's Rights

  • Obtaining the results of the Application and Review
  • Menolak atau menyatakan keberatan atas Auditor yang ditugaskan oleh PIHAK PERTAMA secara tertulis, lengkap dengan alasan penolakan dan disampaikan pada awal pelaksanaan verifikasi dan penilaian lapangan
  • Menerima hasil pekerjaan jika telah memenuhi persyaratan dan ketentuan yang telah disepakati sebagaimana diatur dalam Perjanjian Kerja (Kontrak)
  • Mengajukan keberatan atas hasil verifikasi lapangan selambat-lambatnya 14 (empat belas) hari kalender setelah dikeluarkannya Keputusan Sertifikasi sesuai peraturan yang berlaku
  • Berhak untuk menggunakan Logo sertifikasi pada media promosi, interior atau bangunan, website, kop surat, amplop, kartu nama atau hal lainnya yang relevan.