Pengumuman Sertifikasi SFM
The IFCC trademark is a symbol/sign that represents the visual identity of IFCC. This trademark is registered and owned by IFCC and consists of;
- The IFCC initials, and;
- The IFCC logo consists of a lush tree standing upright with 3 (three) branches on the main trunk and 3 (three) curved leaves. The IFCC logo must always be used on IFCC labels.
The IFCC trademark is as follows:

The IFCC logo can be used by applicants (certificate holders) in combination with individual or collective marks.
For regulations regarding the use of the IFCC logo, please refer to the document IFCC ST 1003:2021: "IFCC Trademarks Rules – Requirements

The Indonesian Forestry Certification Cooperation (IFCC) is a non-profit organization established on September 9, 2011. IFCC aims to promote and enhance sustainable forest management in Indonesia through the implementation of forestry certification that meets the PEFC criteria for sustainable forest management. The IFCC standards for sustainable forest management are endorsed by PEFC.
IFCC has officially become National Governing Body PEFC in Indonesia since November 2012, and on October 1, 2014, the IFCC certification scheme officially received endorsement from PEFC Council.
FCC SFM Certification is a forest certification that integrates important mechanisms for verifying and promoting sustainable forest management that considers the environmental, social, and economic benefits of the forest... (