Sertifikasi COC PEFC adalah sertifikasi yang berfokus pada rantai pasok melalui mekanisme pelacakan balak yang memberikan jaminan independen yang terverifikasi bahwa bahan baku berbasis hutan yang bersertifikat yang digunakan dalam suatu produk berasal dari hutan yang dikelola secara lestari. Ini adalah pelengkap dari sertifikasi pengelolaan hutan lestari PEFC, yang memastikan bahwa hutan dielola sesuai dengan persyaratan lingkungan, sosial, dan ekonomi.

Sertifikasi COC PEFC memungkinkan pelaku usaha untuk menunjukkan bahwa mereka memiliki sumber bahan baku yang legal dan berkelanjutan (lestari) kepada pelanggan. Ini memberikan berbagai manfaat, termasuk manfaat bagi lingkungan, masyarakat, dan keuntungan bagi perusahaan/usaha, seperti akses ke pasar dan kepatuhan terhadap undang-undang.

PEFC is The program for the Endorse of Forest Certification is the leading global/international alliance for national forest certification systems, serving as an international non-profit organization, a non-governmental organization, dedicated to promoting sustainable forest management through independent third-party certification.

Normative Standards & References

The standards used as a reference in the PEFC CoC certification process (along with relevant references).

  1. PEFC GD 1008 : 2019 PEFC Information and Registration System-Data Requirements
  2. PEFC ST 2001 : 2020 PEFC Trademarks Rules – Requirements.
  3. PEFC ST 2002 : 2020 Chain of Custody of Forest and Tree Based Products – Requirements.
  4. PEFC ST 2003 : 2020 Requirements for Certification Bodies Operating Certification against the PEFC International Chain of Custody Standard.
  5. SNI ISO/IEC 19011 : 2018 Guidelines for auditing management systems.
  6. SNI ISO/IEC 17065 : 2012 Penilaian Kesesuaian – Persyaratan untuk Lembaga sertifikasi produk, proses dan Jasa.
  7. IAF ID 12 : 2015 Principles Remote Assessment.
  8. IAF MD 2 : 2017 Transfer of Accredited Certification of Management Systems.
  9. IAF MD 1 : 2018 Audit and Certification of a Management System Operated by a Multi-Site Organization.
  10. IAF MD 5 : 2019 Determination of Audit Time of Quality, Environmental, and Occupational, and Occupational Health & Safety Management System.
  11. PEFC guidance V8 : 2021 CoC auditing affected by COVID-19.
  12.  KAN U-01: Requirements and Rules for Accreditation of Conformity Assessment Bodies
  13.  KAN U-02: Categories of Findings
  14.  KAN U-03.Rev.2: Use of the National Accreditation Committee's Accreditation Symbol
  15. KAN K-08.10 Additional Requirements for Accreditation of PEFC IFCC CoC Certification Bodies


With reference to the Standards set by the PEFC Council, the scope of certification consists of:

A. The types of businesses are divided into 3 categories, namely:

1. Manufaktur

It is an independent small company that has associated together for the purpose of obtaining and maintaining CoC certification. The headquarters may be an appropriate trade association or other legally experienced body nominated for this purpose by a group of members who intend or offer group-managed services for the purpose and consistent with these standards. The headquarters may also be managed by a single group member.

  1. Trader
  2. Project

B. Jenis Sertifikat yang terdiri dari 3, yaitu:

  1. Single-site
  2. Multi-site
  3. Group Certification
    Group Certification is limited to site/location participation based in one country, with the following requirements:

a. Not more than 50 employees (equivalent to part-time employees),
b. Having a maximum turnover of 10,000,000 EUR or equivalent.
c. Raw material fulfillment plan for product certificates, consisting of 3, namely:

  • Physical separation method
  • Persentage method
  • Credit Method

4. The applied CoC methods consist of 3 types, namely:

a. PEFC certified material
PEFC control sources material
Recycle material

ruanglingkup coc ise

Non-Discrimination Mechanism

1. Public

The principle of impartiality adhered to by PT Intishar Sadira Eshan follows the ISO 17065:2012 and ISO 17021:2015 standards, with respect to:

a. Impartiality in financial aspects,

b. Impartiality in human resources aspects, and

c. Impartiality in the operation of the certification activities conducted.

To ensure that in its operations, PT Intishar Sadira Eshan consistently maintains impartiality, an evaluation of impartiality is conducted at least once a year. The results of this evaluation will be subject to review, feedback, and suggestions from various stakeholders.

2.Results of Impartiality Evaluation

The impartiality evaluation of PT ISE is conducted by the management team during Management Review under the coordination of the CEO, assisted by the Forestry Voluntary Manager, General and Finance Manager, and the respective Deputy Management for each certification scheme.

Impartiality evaluation is carried out on:

a. Financial Impartiality Aspect

b. Human Resources Impartiality Aspect

c. Impartiality Aspect of Operations

To further ensure independence and impartiality, and to make the evaluation of impartiality accessible to the public, below is the report of the impartiality evaluation, which can be downloaded along with the option to provide feedback and suggestions in the provided columns. Please send the completed form back to us via email at .

  1. Management Review and Impartiality Evaluation Report (Download)
  2. PT Intishar Sadira Eshan Impartiality Evaluation Report" (Download)

Stages & Processes PEFC - CoC

  1. Prospective Clients/Applicants submit a LETTER OF APPLICATION and fill out the COC CERTIFICATION APPLICATION to PT ISE addressed to the CEO, through the Forestry and Plantation Certification Division. The Letter of Application and Application will be reviewed for at least 7 days from the date of receipt.
  2. If the Application is approved, a Work Agreement (employment contract) will be prepared to define the rights and obligations between PT ISE and the Applicant;
  3. In addition to the Document Requirements that must be attached to the Letter of Application, PT ISE will request Audit Data and Documents as material for the Phase I Audit process;
  4. The Phase I Audit process involves verifying data and documentation for legality requirements and others. The Phase I Audit shall be conducted within a maximum period of 90 days or 3 months
  5. After verification, review, and decision-making based on the Phase I audit results, if it passes, the certification process can proceed to the Field Audit Phase (Phase II). If any non-compliance is identified, the auditee is given an opportunity for correction for up to 1 year until the non-compliance is resolved before the surveillance audit is conducted.
  6. The management of PT ISE publishes and plans Phase II audit at least 14 days before the field audit process is conducted through the PT ISE website.
  7. Phase II Audit (Field Audit), the duration of the audit is approximately 2 days, depending on the scope being audited. The Phase II audit includes:

           - Opening Meeting 

           - Collecting audit evidence through the review of documented information, field inspections, and interviews;

           - Concluded with a closing meeting.

  1.   If audit findings reveal non-conformities, the auditee is given a period of 6 months to address and rectify the non-conformities.
  2.  The audit team compiles the Phase II audit report. Subsequently, the audit report undergoes a review process by a reviewer. Following that, the decision-making process is carried out, no later than 30 days after the closing meeting.
  3. The outcome of the Decision-Making phase can result in Certification Approval, which involves issuing a Decision Letter along with the issuance of a Certificate, and/or Non-Approval with restrictions on certificate issuance.
  4. The Certification Decision and Certificate issuance will be made public no later than 30 calendar days after the certification decision is determined.


Complaints are a written expression of dissatisfaction from individuals and/or Certification Bodies, the National Accreditation Body (KAN), Certification Scheme-related entities (central government/local government), other stakeholders related to certification, and auditees to PT Intishar Sadira Eshan.

Complaints can be submitted at any time, in writing, to PT Intishar Sadira Eshan or to the email address:,

The completeness of a complaint or appeal report shall include at least the following:

  • Complaint letter, containing the identity of the complainant, including their name, address, contact phone number or email address, and signed by the complainant.
  • The complaint material accompanied by supporting evidence that can be substantiated.
  • Proposals for resolving the issues.

The resolution of complaints must be completed no later than 30 (thirty) days from the date of receiving the complaint resolution request.


CoC Appeals is a written request from a Permit Holder, Management Rights Holder, or Forest Owner's Rights to PT Intishar Sadira Eshan for a review of the decision of the certification process, or from PT Intishar Sadira Eshan to KAN for a review of the accreditation decision.

An appeal by the auditee to PT Intishar Sadira Eshan must be submitted no later than 14 calendar days from the date the assessment/verification decision is communicated.

Complaints or appeals must be submitted in writing to PT Intishar Sadira Eshan or to the email address: with clear identification of the complainant or appellant.

Applicant's Rights and Obligations

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  • Submit a letter of request and complete the application form to be submitted to PT. ISE management.
  • Inform if there is a change in scope, such as changes in area or capacity addition.
  • Always meet the certification requirements, including implementing changes as communicated by PT. ISE. Inform the certification body without delay of any changes that may affect its ability to comply with the certification requirements.
  • Willing to;
  • Willing to;
    • Conducting evaluations and assessments, including provisions for reviewing documentation and records and access to relevant client equipment, site locations, personnel, and subcontractors.
    • Additional audits or special audits are conducted in case of complaints.
    • Not using their product certification in a manner that tarnishes the reputation of the certification body and not making statements related to their product certification that are deemed by the certification body as misleading or unauthorized
    • Allowing the presence of observers during audit activities.
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  • Obtaining the results of the Application and Review
  • Rejecting or objecting to the Auditor appointed by the FIRST PARTY in writing, along with the reasons for the rejection, and communicating this at the beginning of the field verification and assessment
  • Accepting the results of the work if they meet the requirements and terms agreed upon as stipulated in the Work Agreement (Contract).
  • Submit objections to the field verification results no later than 14 (empat belas) hari kalender setelah dikeluarkannya Keputusan Sertifikasi sesuai peraturan yang berlaku.
  • Entitled to use the PT. ISE Certification Body logo and/or the PEFC trademark on all products and packaging that meet the assessment standards of PT. ISE Certification Body, as evidenced by the issuance of a CERTIFICATE.

"The obligations and rights of the applicant, or relevant parties regarding PEFC CoC certification, are detailed in the Certification Work Agreement letter for each certification scheme."


PT Intishar Sadira Eshan establishes several provisions regarding the implementation of certificate application and the use of trademarks on products and/or outcomes, in accordance with the following:

  1. The continuous implementation of certificate application and the use of logos or trademarks on products and/or product outcomes are carried out during periodic assessments and/or based on information received by PT Intishar Sadira Eshan when misuse is suspected. 
  2. The verification of logo and/or trademark usage implementation is conducted by the auditor appointed during the audit team formation.
  3. If it is found that any auditee misuses the Certificate and/or logo (trademark) outside the specified requirements, PT ISE is obligated to issue a Warning Letter, and if the auditee cannot prove corrective actions due to the misuse of the certificate and/or logo, PT ISE has the authority to suspend and revoke it

The provisions for the use of the PEFC CoC Trademark refer to the PEFC ST 2001:2020 standard, with the trademark/logo design as follows:

PEFC black


PEFC Color

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