Certification Body
About Us
PT Intishar Sadira Eshan (PT ISE) was established in 2014 as a Conformity Assessment Body, initially focusing on the certification of forestry products as an Independent Assessment and Verification Body (LPVI-SVLK). In 2018, PT ISE expanded its certification scope and obtained accreditation as a Tourism Business Certification Body (LSUP). Then, in 2020, it achieved accreditation as an Independent Assessment and Verification Body (LPVI-PHL).
As a company, PT ISE operates within the economic framework while placing a strong emphasis on the value of togetherness in achieving prosperity. As a Conformity Assessment Body, PT ISE will implement its work using the FAST principles (Fathonah, Amanah, Shiddiq, Tabligh), which means being intelligent in attitude, reliable in providing assessments, truthful in formulating and deciding, and open and straightforward in conveying decision results.

Our Mission
To become a dynamic Certification Body, globally recognized and acknowledged as a provider of professional and consistent certification services.
Our Vision
- Providing the best and measurable certification services, implemented in a FAST (Fathonah, Amanah, Shiddiq, Tablig) manner: smart in attitude, reliable in assessments, honest in formulation and decision-making, open and transparent in delivering decision results.
- Managing and continually enhancing the conformity assessment system to provide quality assurance and safety for clients today and in the future.
- Enhancing our portfolio by expanding the scope of technical capabilities and skills in line with the evolving certification needs.
Why Choose Us?

Free from influence, impartial, and non-discriminatory.

Tim yang bekerja secara konsisten dengan tingkat kinerja yang tinggi dan memadai serta memiliki komitment terhadap profesionalisme baik personil maupun lembaga.

Striving to develop and enhance efficient and effective administrative services, both in terms of management and technology.
Time Line Kami
Articles of Incorporation
April, 2014
Lembaga Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu
Desember, 2014
Piagam Lisensi Flegt Pertama di Dunia
Recognition for participation as the First FLEGT License Issuing Body.
November, 2016
Lembaga Sertifikasi Usaha Pariwisata
(LSUP-055-IDN) With 6 business sectors, the most extensive scope of accreditation in the history of LSUP.
Desember, 2018
Lembaga Sertifikasi Penyelenggaraan Perjalanan Ibadah Umrah
Mei, 2020
Pengundduran Diri Akreditasi LSPPIU
Januari, 2022
Lembaga Sertifikasi (LSPr-124-IDN)
11 scopes of Tourism Business, Tourist Docks, CHSE Services, and PEFC/IFCC-CoC Process Type Certification.
Desember, 2022
Lembaga Penilai dan Verifikasi Independen
Maret, 2023
LPVI pelaksana Penilaian Kinerja
Mei, 2023
Lembaga Penerbit Dokumen / Lisensi Flegt
Juni, 2023
New Office, CA
Proses Akreditasi LSSFM IFCC
Agustus, 2023
Lembaga Sertifikasi Indonesian Sustainbility Palm Oil ( LSISPO)
Septrmber, 2023
Apa kata mereka
Muhamad Arifin
Ketika mengikuti audit sertifikasi usaha pariwisata “Hiburan dan Rekreasi” untuk ruang lingkup Karaoke. Saya secara profesional mengetahui standart operasional usaha wisata “Karaoke” yang baik dan benar secara standart nasional yang ada di Indonesia. Selain itu, Sertifikasi ini juga dapat meningkatkan pelayanan baik kepada konsumen baru maupun konsumen lama.
Terima kasih atas layanan Sertifikasi Usaha Pariwisata “Karaoke” kepada kami yang telah dilakukan oleh Lembaga Sertifikasi Usaha Pariwisata PT Intishar Sadira Ehsan, semoga bermanfaat untuk Indonesia yang lebih maju.

Akhmad fajar M, SPd, M.Par
Kami telah mengikuti uji kompetensi sertifikasi audit usaha Wisata Arung Jeram untuk mendapatkan Sertifikasi Usaha Pariwisata yang standar operasional karena akan memberikan kepercayaan diri dalam memasuki industri wisata secara Nasional dan Internasional. Selain itu uji sertifikasi ini juga akan meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan dan fasilitas sesuai prosedur pengelolaan wisata.
Terima kasih atas layanan Sertifikasi kepada kami yang telah dilakukan oleh Lembaga Sertikasi Usaha Pariwisata PT Intishar Sadira Eshan, semoga bermanfaat buat perkembangan kami lebih maju.