V-LEGAL Document Certification
V-LEGAL Document Services
The Timber Verification and Legality System (SVLK) is a system implemented in Indonesia to verify and ensure the origin of wood from upstream to downstream.
The Timber Legality Verification System (SVLK) is a multistakeholder-designed tracking system aimed at ensuring the legality of wood sources circulating and being traded in Indonesia. SVLK was developed to promote the implementation of government regulations related to the legal trade and distribution of forest products in Indonesia.
SVLK Principles
The Timber Verification and Sustainability Legality System (SVLK) is a system implemented in Indonesia to verify and ensure the origin of wood from upstream to downstream.
The Timber Legality and Sustainability Verification System (SVLK) is a multistakeholder-designed tracking system aimed at ensuring the legality of wood sources circulating and being traded in Indonesia. SVLK was developed to promote the implementation of government regulations related to the legal trade and distribution of forest products in Indonesia.
SVLK Benefits
All wood products circulated and traded in Indonesia have a convincing legality status and are unquestionably legitimate. This ensures that exporters can provide certainty regarding the legality of Indonesian wood products in the global market, leading to increased competitiveness in Indonesian wood production and opening up larger market opportunities.
A Legal Certificate (S-legalitas) is a certificate issued by an Independent Assessment and Verification Institution (LPVI) in which the LPVI provides written assurance that the products, processes, and services performed by the business entity meet the required qualifications and quality standards as per the established timber legality standards.
Standar & Acuan Normatif
The Implementation of VLHH Certification is in accordance with the following provisions:
- Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia Number 8 of 2021 regarding Forest Management Arrangements, Forest Management Planning, and the Utilization of Forests in Protected Forests and Production Forests. (Download)
- Decision of the Director General of Sustainable Production Forest Management Nomor SK.62/PHPL/SET.5/KUM.1/12/2020 Regarding Guidelines, Standards, and/or Procedures for the Assessment of Sustainable Production Forest Management Performance, Wood Legality Verification, Feasibility Testing, Supplier Compliance Declaration Issuance, as well as V-Legal Document/License Flegt Issuance; (Download)
- Circular Letter Nomor SE.1/PHL/BPPHH/HPL.3/3/2022 Regarding the Implementation of Certification and Evaluation of the Legality and Sustainability Verification System (SVLK). (Download)
- KAN K-08.03 Regarding Additional Accreditation Requirements for Sustainable Production Forest Management Assessment Bodies and Timber Legality Verification Bodies. (Download)
- SNI ISO/IEC 17065:2012 Regarding Conformity Assessment - Requirements for Certification Bodies of Products, Processes, and Services. (Download)
- KAN U-03 Rev. 1 dated December 1, 2019, regarding the Use of the Accreditation Symbol of the National Accreditation Committee. (Download)
Forest Product Legality Verification Cost Standards
- The Minister of Forestry Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia P.13/Menhut-II/2013 Regarding the standards for the cost of sustainable production forest management performance and timber legality verification.
- The Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia P.96/Menhut-II/2014 Regarding amendments to the Minister of Forestry Regulation number P.13/MENHUT-II/2013 Regarding the standards for the cost of sustainable production forest management performance and timber legality verification.
- The Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia P.1/Menhut-II/Sekjen/PHPL.1/1/2016 Regarding the second amendment to the Minister of Forestry Regulation number P.13/MENHUT-II/2013 Regarding the standards for the cost of sustainable production forest management performance and timber legality verification.
All wood from state forests or concession forests wajib undergo legality verification. This obligation ensures the origin of raw materials. Similarly, in the industry (both primary and secondary), the wood must undergo legality verification until it becomes a wood product. Wood products for export require V-Legal Documents. The V-Legal Document aims to guarantee that the wood raw materials used to make the wood product originate from legal sources. Exporters, in cooperation with the verification body issuing wood legality certification, handle the issuance of V-Legal Documents.
VLK Certification Scope
Stages & Processes
The maintenance of S-LK is carried out through Assessment activities conducted during the validity period of S-LK. Assessments are conducted at least every 6 (six) months, or 12 (twelve) months, or 24 (twenty-four) months, or 36 (thirty-six) months. The results can lead to either continuation, freezing, or revocation of S-LK.
Special Audit is conducted to reverify if:
- Non-compliance with the fulfillment of forest legality verification standards by the license holder, based on complaints filed by PI or the results of monitoring conducted by government agencies after verification by LVLK.
- Fulfillment of forest legality verification standards as a follow-up action for certificate holders whose certification has been frozen;
- If there are significant changes that affect the continuity of business legality compliance, including changes in scope; and/or;
- If the license holder receives wood from auctioned sources after the issuance of S-LK;
- Upon the request of the license holder
Mark SVLK It is a mark affixed to forest products, forest product derivatives, packaging, or transport documents, indicating that forest products and their derivatives have met sustainability standards, legality standards, or declaration requirements.
The Shape and Size of the V-Legal Mark
- The V-legal mark is created in the form and design as specified in the image below and is NOT ALLOWED TO BE CHANGED by any means or for any reason.
Description :
"XXX' is the certificate number issued by PT. ISE's LVLK, 'XXX-LVLK-016-IDN"
2. The V-legal mark can take the form of a sticker, stencil, stamp, or be printed on a label with proportional dimensions using durable materials to ensure recognition while the product is being traded.
3. The use of the V-Legal mark, its form, size, and quantity of use, is adjusted according to the type of product and production capacity.
The Use of the V-Legal Mark
- The V-Legal Mark wajib It is affixed or applied to the wood or wood products in packaging or wood products stacked in a location that is easily visible so that the V-Legal Mark and additional information can be easily read
- The V-Legal Mark can be used for promotional purposes in print media, brochures, or electronic media advertising