In the KAN Accreditation Process.
The ISPO (Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil) certification is applied on a mandatory basis to oil palm plantations that are related to ensuring the governance of oil palm cultivation and/or processing industries, as well as smallholders, complies with the ISPO principles and criteria standards, providing assurance of sustainable practices.
ISPO Certification can provide significant benefits to any organization that implements it, including:
- ensuring and enhancing the management and development of oil palm plantations in accordance with the principles and criteria of ISPO;
- enhancing the acceptance and competitiveness of Indonesian palm oil products in domestic and international markets; and
- enhancing efforts to accelerate the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
Indonesian oil palm plantations make a significant contribution to the economy in Indonesia. However, the presence of commercial interests and the hegemony of developed countries have resulted in unfair treatment of palm oil trade, including its processed products, often leading to acts of discrimination and trade barriers.
At present, oil palm plantations are the most strategically important commodity for Indonesia. This industry has contributed to government revenue, profit for companies, created job opportunities, and increased income for small-scale farmers
Indonesia has transformed its palm oil industry by incorporating best and sustainable farming practices into every aspect of its business decisions. Therefore, an effective, efficient, fair, and sustainable oil palm plantation management system is required. One way to achieve this is through the Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) certification
The ISPO Certification (Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil or Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Berkelanjutan Indonesia) was developed by the Ministry of Agriculture with the aim of providing assurance to consumers that companies holding ISPO certification have adhered to all cultivation permits and palm oil production, as well as fulfilled all obligations related to the license throughout the value chain, from land clearance to product sales
Certification Standard (ISPO).
The Implementation of ISPO Certification refers to the following provisions:
To assess the consistency and compliance of each sustainable oil palm plantation operator, the government has issued standards as a reference, which are:
- ISO/IEC 17065:2012 Conformity Assessment - Requirements for Bodies Certifying Products, Processes, and Services
2. SNI ISO/IEC 19011:2018 Management Systems Audit Guidelines.
3. Presidential Regulation Number 44 of 2020 on the Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil Plantation Certification System, dated March 13, 2020.
4. Minister of Agriculture Regulation Number 38 of 2020 on the Implementation of Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil Plantation Certification, dated November 24, 2020
a. Annex 1. ISPO Principles and Criteria for IUP-I (Plantation Business License), IUP-B (Cultivation), and IUP-P (Processing Industry).
b. Annex 2. ISPO Principles and Criteria for Smallholder Enterprises.
5. Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Perkebunan No. 348/Kpts/OT.050/12/2020 tentang Pedoman Pencantuman Logo Penyelenggaraan Sertifikasi Kelapa Sawit Berkelanjutan Indonesia.
6. KAN.K-08.08 Persyaratan Tambahan Akreditasi Lembaga Sertifikasi Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO), tanggal terbit 05 Juli 2021.
7. KAN U-03 Rev.2 tentang Penggunaan Simbol Akreditasi KAN, tanggal terbit 15 Agustus 2022;
With reference to the Ministry of Agriculture Regulation Number 38 of 2020 on the Implementation of Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil Plantation Certification, the scope of certification consists of:
- Certification of Oil Palm Plantation Cultivation Business.
- Certification of Oil Palm Plantation Processing Industry Business.
- Certification of Integrated Oil Palm Plantation Cultivation and Processing Industry Business.

Stages & Processes
- The Prospective Client/Applicant submits a LETTER OF APPLICATION and fills out the ISPO CERTIFICATION APPLICATION FORM to PT.ISE addressed to the President Director and Plantation. The Letter of Application and Application Form will be reviewed within a minimum of 7 days from the date the application is received.
- If the Application Request is approved, a Work Agreement (employment contract) is subsequently prepared concerning the rights and obligations between PT.ISE and the Applicant.
- In addition to the Document Requirements that must be attached to the Letter of Application, PT ISE will request Audit Data and Documents as material for the Phase I Audit process;
- The Phase I Audit process involves verifying data and documentation for legality requirements and others. The Phase I Audit shall be conducted within a maximum period of 90 days or 3 months
- After verification, review, and decision-making based on the Phase I audit results, if the auditee passes, the certification process can proceed to the Field Audit stage (Phase II). In case of non-conformities, the auditee is given an opportunity for correction for a period of 6 months until the non-conformities are resolved.
- PT ISE management conducts Publication and Phase II Audit Plan at least 14 days before the field audit process is carried out through the Ministry of Agriculture's website and PT ISE's website, and is reported to the Independent Observer.
- Phase II Audit (Field Audit), the duration of the audit days is at least 7 to 14 days, depending on the scope of the plantation business being audited. The Phase II audit implementation includes:
- opening meeting
- Collecting audit evidence through the review of documented information, field inspections, and interviews
- Concluded with a closing meeting.
- If audit findings reveal non-conformities, the auditee is given a period of 6 months to address and rectify the non-conformities.
- The audit team compiles the Phase II audit report. Subsequently, the audit report undergoes a review process by a reviewer. Following that, the decision-making process is carried out, no later than 30 days after the closing meeting.
- The outcome of the Decision-Making phase can result in Certification Approval, which involves issuing a Decision Letter along with the issuance of a Certificate, and/or Non-Approval with restrictions on certificate issuance.
- The Certification Decision and Certificate issuance will be made public no later than 30 calendar days after the certification decision is determined.
Complaints are written expressions of dissatisfaction from individuals and/or Independent Monitors (PI) or NGOs, Certification Bodies, KAN, Certification scheme-related agencies (central government/local government), other stakeholders related to certification, and auditees to PT. Intishar Sadira Eshan.
Complaints can be submitted at any time, provided in writing to PT. Intishar Sadira Eshan or to the email address: and/or,
The completeness of a complaint or appeal report shall include at least the following:
- The Complaint Letter, which includes the identity of the complainant, containing information such as name, address, contact phone number or email address, and signed by the complainant.
- The complaint material accompanied by supporting evidence that can be substantiated.
- Proposals for resolving the issues.
The resolution of complaints must be completed within a maximum of 30 (thirty) days from the date of receipt of the complaint resolution request.
Appeal (lawsuit) is a written request from the complainant expressing dissatisfaction with the outcome of the complaint resolution decision by PT. ISE.
The complainant files an appeal to the ISPO Committee for a review of the decision.
The duration for the ISPO Appeals Committee to reach a decision shall be in accordance with the applicable timelines within the ISPO Committee from the date of receiving the appeal request. The decision of the ISPO Committee is final and binding
Applicant's Rights and Obligations
- To submit a letter of request and fill out the application form to be delivered to PT. ISE management.
- Inform if there is a change in scope, such as changes in area or capacity addition.
- Always meet certification requirements, including implementing appropriate changes when those changes have been communicated by PT. ISE.
- Inform the certification body, without delay, of any changes that may affect its ability to comply with certification requirements
- Willing to;
- Willing to:
- Conducting evaluations and assessments, including provisions for reviewing documentation and records and access to relevant client equipment, site locations, personnel, and subcontractors.
- Additional audits or special audits are conducted in case of complaints.
- Not using their product certification in a manner that tarnishes the reputation of the certification body and not making statements related to their product certification that are deemed by the certification body as misleading or unauthorized
- Allowing the presence of observers during audit activities.
- Obtaining the results of the Application and Review
- Rejecting or objecting to the Auditor appointed by the FIRST PARTY in writing, along with the reasons for the rejection, and communicating this at the beginning of the field verification and assessment
- Accepting the results of the work if they meet the requirements and terms agreed upon as stipulated in the Work Agreement (Contract).
- Submit objections to the field verification results no later than 14 (empat belas) hari kalender setelah dikeluarkannya Keputusan Sertifikasi sesuai peraturan yang berlaku.
- Have the right to use the LPVI Logo on all production results and packaging that meet the LPVI assessment standards, as evidenced by the issuance of the CERTIFICATE.
“The Obligations and Rights of the Applicant or Parties involved in ISPO certification are detailed in the Certification Work Agreement Letter for each certification scheme.. “.
The ISPO logo is a symbol/image affixed to plantations, tanks (storage tanks, transportation tanks), and products such as CPO, PKO, and palm oil by-products, serving as an assurance that the oil palm plantation business has complied with the ISPO Principles and Criteria.
- Shape, Size, and Color. Logo ISPO
- The requirements for the shape, size, and color of the ISPO logo refer to the Director General of Plantation's Decision No. 348/Kpts/OT.050/12/2020 on Guidelines for the Inclusion of the Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil Certification Implementation Logo.
- The ISPO logo used by the auditee consists of the ISPO logo. Segregasi atau Logo ISPO Mass Balance tergantung dari kebutuhan auditee.
Description :
Segregation | : | 100% of the TBS raw materials are ISPO certified. |
Mass Balance | : | More than 30% of the TBS raw materials are ISPO certified |
LS | : | Certification Body |
ISPO | : | Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil |
XXX | : | accreditation number issued by KAN. |
IND | : | Indonesia |
2. The Requirements and Application for ISPO Trademark License
a. The auditee who has obtained the ISPO certificate is entitled to display the ISPO logo.
b. The ISPO certification system grants the right/sub-license to use the ISPO logo to the Auditee through the 'ISPO Logo Usage Agreement.
3. The Regulation on Trademark Usage ISPO oleh Auditee
a. The auditee obtains the right/license to use the ISPO logo in accordance with the sub-license agreement for ISPO logo usage between PT ISE and.
b. The ISPO symbol/logo can be affixed to.
- Plantation;
- Processing unit;
- Tanks (transportation tanks or storage tanks)
- Plantation products such as crude palm oil /CPO, palm kernel oil /PKO, and by-products including shells and liquid waste /POME (palm oil mill effluent)
- Administrative documents such as report documents, valid transport documents, invoices, letterheads, envelopes, and others.
c. The auditee may use the ISPO logo for other promotional purposes such as in publications/websites, advertisements, packaging, and others.
4. Other provisions/penalties for misuse. Logo ISPO
If it is found that an auditee has misused the ISPO Logo beyond the specified requirements, PT ISE is obliged to issue a Warning Letter, and if the auditee cannot provide evidence of corrective action and rectification for the misuse of the ISPO Logo, PT ISE has the right to decide on suspension and/or revocation.