PHL Certification
Pengelolaan Hutan Lestari (PHL) merupakan perwujudan dari konsep pembangunan hutan berkelanjutan yang menjamin kelestarian fungsi produksi, fungsi ekologi, dan fungsi sosial hutan.
Benefits of PHL
SERTIFIKASI Pengelolaan Hutan Lestari merupakan instrumen yang digunakan oleh pemerintah (Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan) untuk menilai tingkat kepatuhan dan tingkat kinerja dalam mengelola/mengusahakan hutan dan hasil hutan yang dilakukan secara objektif oleh Lembaga Penilai yang independen, non-diskriminiatif dan transparan dengan kriteria dan indikator penilaian yang berpegang pada prinsip legalitas dan prinsip kelestarian didalam pengelolaan hutan.
Normative Standards & References
The Implementation of PHL Certification adheres to the following provisions:
- Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia Number 8 of 2021 regarding Forest Management Arrangements, Forest Management Planning, and the Utilization of Forests in Protected Forests and Production Forests. (Download)
- Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pengelolaan Hutan Produksi Lestari Nomor SK.9895/MenLHK-PHL/BPPHH/HPL.3/12/2022 Tentang Standar dan pedoman Pelaksanaan Sistem Verifikasi Legalitas dan Kelestarian; (Download)
- Circular Letter Nomor SE.1/PHL/BPPHH/HPL.3/3/2022 Regarding the Implementation of Certification and Evaluation of the Legality and Sustainability Verification System (SVLK). (Download)
- KAN K-08.03 Regarding Additional Accreditation Requirements for Sustainable Production Forest Management Assessment Bodies and Timber Legality Verification Bodies. (Download)
- SNI ISO/IEC 17065:2012 Regarding Conformity Assessment - Requirements for Certification Bodies of Products, Processes, and Services. (Download)
- KAN U-03 Rev. 1 dated December 1, 2019, regarding the Use of the Accreditation Symbol of the National Accreditation Committee. (Download)
Sustainable Production Forest Management Cost Standards
- The Minister of Forestry Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia P.13/Menhut-II/2013 Regarding the standards for the cost of sustainable production forest management performance and timber legality verification.
- The Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia P.96/Menhut-II/2014 Regarding amendments to the Minister of Forestry Regulation number P.13/MENHUT-II/2013 Regarding the standards for the cost of sustainable production forest management performance and timber legality verification.
- The Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia P.1/Menhut-II/Sekjen/PHPL.1/1/2016 Regarding the second amendment to the Minister of Forestry Regulation number P.13/MENHUT-II/2013 Regarding the standards for the cost of sustainable production forest management performance and timber legality verification.

Pengelolaan Hutan Lesatri (PHL) merupakan suatu skema yang bertujuan untuk memastikan sistem tata kelola hutan dapat berlangsung dengan baik, serta PHPL dapat menjadi standar bagi para unit manajemen untuk dapat memanfaatkan hasil hutan dengan menjamin fungsi ekologi, sosial, dan produksi hutan tetap lestari.

1 | Perizinan Berusaha Pemanfaatan Hutan Dalam Hutan Alam (PBPH-HA) Pada Hutan Produksi |
2 | Perizinan Berusaha Pemanfaatan Hutan Dalam Hutan Tanaman (PBPH-HT) Pada Hutan Produksi |
3 | Pemegang Hak Pengelolaan (HP) |
Stages & Processes
The maintenance of S-PHL is carried out through Assessment activities conducted during the validity period of S-PHL. Assessments are conducted at least every 24 (twenty-four) months or 18 (eighteen) months. The results can lead to either continuation, freezing, or revocation of S-PHL.
Special Audit is conducted to reverify if:
- Recommendations from the Ad Hoc Complaints or Appeals Resolution Team regarding complaints from Independent Monitors (IM) about the performance of the Auditee.
- Data and information from the government or local government that indicates that the Auditee no longer meets the PHPL requirements according to the applicable standards.
- The requirement for reactivating a suspended certificate.
Appeal is a written request from the License Holder, Management Rights Holder, or Forest Rights Owner to PT. Intishar Sadira Eshan for a review of the decision outcomes of the certification process, or from PT. Intishar Sadira Eshan to KAN for a review of the decision outcomes of the accreditation process.
Complaints and appeals can be submitted at any time and should be sent to PT. Intishar Sadira Eshan using the Complaint Form to the email addresses: and/or, accompanied by clear identification of the complainant or appellant."
Applicant's Rights and Obligations
- To submit a letter of request and fill out the application form to be delivered to PT. ISE management.
- Inform if there is a change in scope, such as changes in area or capacity addition.
- Always meet certification requirements, including implementing appropriate changes when those changes have been communicated by PT. ISE.
- Inform the certification body, without delay, of any changes that may affect its ability to comply with certification requirements
- Willing to;
- Conducting evaluations and assessments, including provisions for reviewing documentation and records and access to relevant client equipment, site locations, personnel, and subcontractors.
- Additional audits or special audits are conducted in case of complaints.
- Not using their product certification in a manner that tarnishes the reputation of the certification body and not making statements related to their product certification that are deemed by the certification body as misleading or unauthorized
- Allowing the presence of observers during audit activities.
- Obtaining the results of the Application and Review
- Rejecting or objecting to the Auditor appointed by the FIRST PARTY in writing, along with the reasons for the rejection, and communicating this at the beginning of the field verification and assessment
- Accepting the results of the work if they meet the requirements and terms agreed upon as stipulated in the Work Agreement (Contract).
- Submitting objections to the field verification results no later than 14 (fourteen) calendar days after the issuance of the Certification Decision, in accordance with applicable regulations.
- Have the right to use the LPVI Logo on all production results and packaging that meet the LPVI assessment standards, as evidenced by the issuance of the CERTIFICATE.
The obligations and rights of the Applicant, or the Parties related to LPVI certification, are detailed in the Certification Work Agreement for each certification scheme.
Mark SVLK It is a mark affixed to forest products, forest product derivatives, packaging, or transport documents, indicating that forest products and their derivatives have met sustainability standards, legality standards, or declaration requirements.
Form and Size of the SVLK Mark
The V-Legal mark is created in the shape and design as specified in the image below, NOT ALLOWED TO BE CHANGED by any means or for any reason.

Description :
ABC : The type of certification scheme (PHL or VLHH)
XX : The Province code of the certificate holder's location
YY : The code for the type of SVLK mark holder
ZZZZ : The serial number of the SVLK mark holder
Use of the SVLK Mark
- The V-Legal Mark wajib It is affixed or applied to the wood or wood products in packaging or wood products stacked in a location that is easily visible so that the V-Legal Mark and additional information can be easily read
- The V-Legal Mark can be used for promotional purposes in print media, brochures, or electronic media advertising